Artist: Bill Anderson | Song: I Get The Fever

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Bill Anderson, I Get The Fever Tabs

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Country Tabs > Anderson Bill Tabs > I Get The Fever

Artist/Band: Anderson Bill Tabs
Song: I Get The Fever Tab

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written and recorded by Bill Anderson

Every time I hear the midnight trains
D7                      G7
Rolling out to the open plains
A sense of freedom fills my veins I get the fever
                              D7               G7
Every time I sparrow flies up into the endless skies
Something down inside me cries I get the fever

I get the fever to pack up and leave here
And wander wild like the wind
This town's too full of memories of cruel love
    C                                G7
And I can't stand it seeing her with him
Every time I hear a buddy say
     D7                   G7
He's put lots of dust and clay
Between him and yesterday I get the fever

I get the fever to pack and leave here
And I think maybe I'll do just that tomorrow
This town's too full of memories of cruel love
     C                             G7
Everywhere I turn there's pain and sorrow
Every time I hear a buddy say
     D7                   G7
He's put lots of dust and clay
Between him and yesterday I get the fever
G7        C     G7        C     G7        C 
I get the fever I get the fever I get the fever

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.