Artist: Blue Rodeo | Song: Cinema Song

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Blue Rodeo, Cinema Song Tabs

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Country Tabs > Blue Rodeo Tabs > Cinema Song

Artist/Band: Blue Rodeo Tabs
Song: Cinema Song Tab

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Capo 2

Intro (I don't know the names of these chords)
     Em     Em        Em     Em
   (add D) (add C#)  (add C)

 e - -0- - -0 ----- -  0- - - -0 - - - - - - - - - - - -
 b - -3 - - 2- - -- - -1- - - -0- - - - - - - -- - - - -
 F - -0 - - 0-- - - - -0 - - - 0-- - -- - - -- - - - - -
 D - -2 - --2 - - - - -2- - - -2 - - - -- -  - - -- -  -
 A - -2 - --2- - - - - 2- - - -2 - -- -- -- - - - - - --
 E - -x - - x--  - - - x- -- - x- - -3 - 2- -0 - - - -- - -

(Em)I've been walking (C)hours today
(A)Trying to sort out all the (C)things I have to (B)say
(Em)We've been changing, (C)drifting with the light
(A)Stumbling through the daytime
    and (C)fading in the (B) night (Repeat intro)

(Em)Come on over (C)talk to me dear
There's (A)nothing else I'm thinking about than (C)you being (B)here
(Em)I write you letters
(C)More than just a few
I (A)leave them lying open on the (C)table for (B)you

(G)Now I know for the (D)first time true
(Em)All of the ways I've been (C)lying to you
It's (G)not that I don't (D)think we can (Am)open up in time
 It's (F)just that I'm af-(C)raid of what we'll (Em add D)find  (Repeat intro, then guitar solo)

(Em)I watch you creeping (C)leaving with the dawn
(A)Hoping I don't wake up now your (C)cover is (B)gone
(Em)But it makes no difference (C)anything you do
(A)Something keeps me coming back
   to get (C)closer to (B)you

(G)Now I know for the (D)first time true
(Em)All of the ways I've been (C)lying to you
It's (G)not that I don't (D)think we can (Am)open up in time
It's (F)just that I'm af-(C)raid of what we'll (Em add D) find
It's (F)only I'm af-(C)raid of what we'll (Em add D)find  (Intro to fade)

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Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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