Artist: The Blue Shadows | Song: Deliver Me

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The Blue Shadows, Deliver Me Tabs

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Country Tabs > Blue Shadows, The Tabs > Deliver Me

Artist/Band: Blue Shadows, The Tabs
Song: Deliver Me Tab

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Key of C (Capo on 3rd fret) 
White chords are relative to capo, chords in ( ) are actual chords

Intro:| gtr line |  |D (F) |   |     |A   |     |     |    |     
A (C)
Driving at midnight and the moon is Looking right at me
I can feel it settling down on me Over me
			  A (C )
Come deliver me from this night

When I left you standing so alone Then I started wondering
But I don't mind saying it now oh please come to me
Come deliver me from this night

                 E(G)                      D(F)                  Bm(Dm)
Ahh that love we had found well we drove it underground
     A (C )
Deliver me

This canyon's on fire now and I'm wondering
How much longer could it be till it comes tumbling down Over me
Come deliver me from this night

Ahh that love we had found Well we drove it underground
Deliver me
Yeah all that love we had found Well we drove it underground

A (C)  (Bass: E  F  E  D)             A (C)  (Bass: E  F  E  D)
Deliver us from our yesterdays Hold us together if it can't be done
A (C)  (Bass: E  F  E  D)		     A (C)	            D (F)E (G)
Deliver us from all that might be If we get what we think we want

[solo] D D D D E E E E A A A A	(F F F F G G G G C C C C)
[repeat first verse]

Ahh that love we had found Well we drove it underground
Deliver me 		Oh please deliver me 
Deliver me (repeat)  From this night

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.