Artist: BR549 | Song: Big Mouth Blues

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BR549, Big Mouth Blues Tabs

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Country Tabs > BR549 Tabs > Big Mouth Blues

Artist/Band: BR549 Tabs
Song: Big Mouth Blues Tab

(E)Oh, well, I was born in alittle bitty tar hut  
And they called me a man 'cause I couldn't  
keep my big, big (A)mouth shut  
So what's the sense of me sitting here leaving  
(E)When any ole day I might be even   
And (A) Lord knows that New York City's got  
a (E)lot to do with it  
(A)I wish someday I could find the way   
to get it (E)out of my grain   
This (A)dirty old town's gonna sink right down  
and (E) I don't want to go with it  
(B) Well I wish there was a way that  
I knew to get even  
A way to get a lick in  
A 'bobbin' and a 'weavin'  
Any ole thing besides goin' and a'leavin'   
You can (E) do on a (A) train  
Well, I once knew a man who sailed around  
the world twice  
He would have made it three but he took  
a lot of bad advice  
So you just tell me what's the sense of me  
sittin' here leavin'  
When any ole day I might get even  
And Lord knows New York City's got  
alot to do with it  
I wish someday I could find a way to get it out  
of my brain  
This dirty old town's gonna sink right down  
and I don't want to go with it  
I wish there was a way that I knew to get even,  
way to get a lick in  
A 'bobbin' and a'weavin'  
Any ole thing besides goin' and a'leavin'  
You can do on a train  
Oh, yes!  
Well, I once knew a man who sailed around  
the world twice  
But his motor cooled down and now he's  
deliverin' ice  
Tell me what's the sense of him  
sittin' here leavin'  
When any ole day he might get even  
And Lord knows New York City's got  
a lot to do with it  
I wish someday he could find a way to get it out  
of his brain  
This dirty old town's gonna sink right down  
and I don't want to go with it  
I wish there was a way that I knew to get even  
Way to get a lick in  
A 'bobbin and a'weavin'  
And all the things besides goin' and a'leavin'  
You can do on a train  
Oh, yeah

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.