Artist: Adam Brand | Song: Angels

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Adam Brand, Angels Tabs

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Country Tabs > Brand Adam Tabs > Angels

Artist/Band: Brand Adam Tabs
Song: Angels Tab

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intro: D  G  D  G  D

D                       G
  she may seem a little quiet tonight
D                                G
  but boy her cookin still tastes  good
D                       G
  she may seem a little distant in conversation
D                                        G
  she'd give you the world though if she could
Bm        G            D                   A
  she may stand on the front porch alone
Bm         G                   A                 (N/C)     
  find her talkin to stars and thinkin bout days gone
G                                  D
  you don't have to judge her just hold her close
A             G             D
  cos now she needs you the most
D                    G
cos when she's cryin, wipe her tears
           D                                G
and if she can't find her light, share your shine
       D                               G
if she can't seem to fly cos she's got too much on her mind
     D            G
then ho-o-old her high
     Bm          Fm#
even angels need angels
     G           A          D
even angels need angels sometimes

D    G    D    G

D                       G
  he may come home from work a little late
D                          G
  he's not sayin much just reflecting on his day
D                            G
  turns the tv on forgets to kiss ya on the cheek
D                                        G
  your in for a quiet one tonight cos in ten minutes he's asleep
Bm               G                D              A
  as you lay the blanket over and tuck it around
Bm        G                     A                  (N/C)
  why not stay with him, what's one night on the lounge
G                                  D
  you don't have to judge him just hold him close
A            G             D
  cos now he needs you the most
D                   G
cos when he's cryin, wipe his tears
                D                          G
and if he can't find his light, share your shine
      D                              G
if he can't seem to fly cos he's got too much on his mind
     D            G
then ho-o-old him high
     Bm          Fm#
even angels need angels
     G           A          D
even angels need angels sometimes

Bm   G    D   A Bm   G    D   A    

Bm    G                 D                        
  sometimes they've got way too much to do    
they feel just a little blue
o-o-o-o that's when they need you
                 D     G
cos when they're cryin, wipe their tears
            D                                  G
and if they can't find their light, share your shine
        D                                 G
if they can't seem to fly cos they've got too much on their mind
     D             G
then ho-o-old them high
     Bm          Fm#
even angels need angels
     G      A
even a-ang-els 
     Bm          Fm#
even angels need angels
     G           A   (N/C)
even angels need angels

G   D   G   D   G   D   G (about 45 secs then fade out)

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.