Artist: Junior Brown | Song: Didnt Have To Go All Way

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Junior Brown, Didnt Have To Go All Way Tabs

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Country Tabs > Brown Junior Tabs > Didnt Have To Go All Way

Artist/Band: Brown Junior Tabs
Song: Didnt Have To Go All Way Tab

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You Didn't Have To Go All The Way
From Guit With It
Witten and Performed by Junior Brown
Key: E

 E                                                           F#
Well I knew you was goin', but you didn't have to go all the way
       A                  B                E
Right out of my life and into his arms to stay
You got tired of me, but you were supposed to be back some day
   A                           B                         E
I knew you was goin', but you didn't have to go all the way

Well, you said you needed time for a little peace of mind
You'd be back in a week or so
And then a week turned into a month or two
         E                  B
Now it's been about a year ago
And all the time I believed you still wanted me
But he was a workin' on you every day
   A                           B
I knew you was goin', but you didn't have to go all the way



Well, I knew you was goin', but I never was a knowin'
That you'd ever wanna go that far
And now you got a man with a gold weddin' band
Tellin' everyone how happy you are
If I'd a ever known you were never comin' home
I'd a never let you go that day
I knew you was a goin', buy you didn't have to go all the way


Db  A                             B
   I knew you was goin', but you didn't have to go all the way

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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