Artist: Junior Brown | Song: Gal From Oklahoma

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Junior Brown, Gal From Oklahoma Tabs

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Artist/Band: Brown Junior Tabs
Song: Gal From Oklahoma Tab

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Song: The Gal From Oklahoma
Artist: Junior Brown
Album: Guit With It
Tabbed by James Lee (

This song is played very sloppily on the CD, so there's no real
reason to tab out the whole thing - I did the first verse, and
you can mess around with that to get the rest of the song.


She treats me fair and I never let her down

She treats me fair and I never let her down
  F                                   C

She's the gal from Oklahoma, they call her Sissie Brown
  G/B               G                 C

2nd verse:
w/ first 11 bars of rhythm figure above (with variations)

She's the sweetest little gal from Schulter to Brush Hill (sweetest one)
She's the sweetest little gal from Schulter to Brush Hill
I'm proud to be her man and I know I always will...  Yodel-

-ayheeeee                    Yodelayheeee
 C                          G         C

The rest of the song:
w/ variations on the rhythm figures used so far

She comes from Oklahoma where the grass grows high
I'm gonna stay with her till the day that I die
Till the day that I die
With the gal from Oklahoma until the day I die

Yodelayheee  Yodelayheeee

When I hear a lonesome whistle blowin' by old seventy-five
When I hear a lonesome whistle blowin' by old seventy-five
It reminds me of my darlin' where she always lived her life

She comes from Oklahoma where the grass grows high
I'm gonna stay with her till the day that I die
Till the day that I die
With the gal from Oklahoma until the day I die

Yodelayheee  Yodelay-

last two bars:


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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.