Artist: Jimmy Buffett | Song: Volcano

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Jimmy Buffett, Volcano Tabs

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Country Tabs > Buffett Jimmy Tabs > Volcano

Artist/Band: Buffett Jimmy Tabs
Song: Volcano Tab

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(jimmy buffett)

(F) I don't know
I don't (C)know
(F) I don't know where (Bb) I'm a gonna go
When the (F)vol(C)cano (F) blow
(F) Ground she's movin' (Bb) under (F) me
Tidal waves out (C) on the (F) sea
Sulphur smoke up (Bb) in the (F) sky
Pretty soon we (C) learn to (F) fly

(F) I don't know
I don't (C)know
(F) I don't know where (Bb) I'm a gonna go
When the (F)vol(C)cano (F) blow

(F) My girl quickly (Bb) said to (F) me
Mon you better (C) watch your (F) feet
Lava come down (Bb) soft and (F) hot
You better lava me now or la(C)va me (F) not

(F) I don't know
I don't (C)know
(F) I don't know where (Bb) I'm a gonna go
When the (F)vol(C)cano (F) blow

(F) No time to count (Bb) what I'm (F) worth
'Cause I just left the (C) planet earth
(F) Where I go I (Bb) hope there's rum (F)
Not to worry (C) monsoon (F) come

But I (F) don't want to land in (Bb) New York (F) City
Don't want to land in (C) Mexi(F)co
Don't want to land on no (Bb) Three Mile (F) Island
Don't want to see my (C) skin a(F)glow
Don't want to land in (Bb) Commanche (F) Sky park
Or in Nashville, (C) Tenness(F)ee
Don't want to land in no (Bb) San Juan air(F)port
Or the Yukon (C) Territor(F)y
Don't want to land no (Bb) San Di(F)ego
Don't want to land in no (C) Buzzards (F) Bay
Don't want to land on no (Bb) Eye-Yat(F)ullah
I got nothing (C)more to say

(F) I don't know
I don't (C)know
(F) I don't know where (Bb) I'm a gonna go
When the (F)vol(C)cano (F) blow

(F) I don't know
I don't (C)know
(F) I don't know where (Bb) I'm a gonna go
When the (F)vol(C)cano (F) blow

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.