Marvin Christy, Listen To Mama Sing Tabs
Artist/Band: Christy Marvin Tabs
Song: Listen To Mama Sing Tab
How I (G)wish I could (em)Go back to
(C)old Ark-an-(em)sas and(G)see that old
Home place a-(D)gain (D)and just
(G)stand in the (em)cool of that
(C)old front (em)porch and (G)Listen to
(em)Ma--(D)ma (G)sing.
But they (G)Tore down the (em)House they
(C)tore down the (em)barn. they
(G)took down that Old porch (D)swing.
and now (G)only in (em)sweet,sweet
(C)mem-o--(em)ries can I (G)Listen to
(em)Ma--(D)=ma (G)sing.
In the (G)Sweet (G)by and (D)by
We will (D)meet on that Beautiful (G)Shore
and I'll (G)Lay down my (em)harm and just
(C)sit on the (em)porch and
(G)listen while (em)Ma--(D)ma (G)Sings
Now I (G)Know times were(em)tough and we
(C)all worked so (em)hard. I can
(G)still feel the sweat and the
but to (G)tell you the (em)truth I'd
(C)do it all a-(em)gain just to
(G)listen while (em)Ma-(D)ma (G)sings
repear chorus as desired. Can be a rouser
with the right audience,the tag ene Ma-Ma is done within l bar.