Artist: Slaid Cleaves | Song: Road Too Long

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Slaid Cleaves, Road Too Long Tabs

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Country Tabs > Cleaves Slaid Tabs > Road Too Long

Artist/Band: Cleaves Slaid Tabs
Song: Road Too Long Tab

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Ah the stories I could tell
All the places I have seen
My engine block is covered in blood
And my veins are pumping gasoline
I've felt that steel belt song
And every exit looks the same
  [A]                               [E]
I guess I've been on the road too long 

I'm out for seven weeks this time
I can't remember where I've been
I'm always one day closer to home
Then I go right back out again
My wife is not the jealous kind
But she's singin' a sad sad song
I think I missed another Valentine's
I guess I've been on the road too long 

The rows of corn are flashing by
The broken white lines too
The bugs splatter, the CB chatters
[B7]                                        [A]
Nothin' matters more than getting back to you 
Getting back to you

Guitar Solo

Think twice before you follow me
There's not a lotta glory on the road
It's safe and warm inside the van
But this Motel 6 is cold
Diner fries, diesel smoke
You won't be young for long
My brain is bent, my body broke
I guess I've been on the road too long 

Repeat 1st Verse 

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.