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Creedence Clearwater Revival, Someday Never Comes Tabs

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Country Tabs > Creedence Clearwater Revival Tabs > Someday Never Comes

Artist/Band: Creedence Clearwater Revival Tabs
Song: Someday Never Comes Tab

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Received: by; id AA27083; Fri, 20 Nov 92 11:34:53 +0100
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Received: from untadi.enet; by vbormc.enet; Fri, 20 Nov 92 11:35:31 MET
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 92 11:35:31 MET
From: "Ludwig Alberter, SD&E Production Systems, @UNT 786-1208" 
Subject: CRD: Someday never comes (CCR)

Credence Clearwater Revival

B#	         F# 	    G#m		Em
First thing I remember was asking papa, why,

     B#		      G	             B#
For there were many things I didn't know.

                  F#	     G#m	    E
And daddy always smiled and took me by the hand,

	B#       F#	      B#
Saying, someday you'll understand.

(chorus:)	  F#			         B#
	Well, I'm here to tell you now, each and every mother's son,

	         F#		             B#
	That you better learn it fast, you better learn it young,

	       C#m  E         B#
	'Cause someday never comes.

Well, time and tears went by and I collected dust.
For there were many things I didn't know.
When daddy went away, he said, try to be a man,

And someday you'll understand.

	Well, I'm here...

And then one day in April, I wasn't even there,
For there were many things I didn't know.
A son was born to me. Mama held his hand,

sayin' someday you'll understand.

	Well, I'm here...

(change progression:)
C                G           Am          Fm
Think it was September, the year I went away,

      C		      A6	     C
For there were many things I didn't know.

      C		      G        Am           F
And still I see him standing tryin' to be a man,

          C	  G	      C
I said, someday you'll understand.

	           G                               C  
	Well, I'm here to tell you now, each and every mother's son,

	          G                          C  
	That you better learn it fast, you better learn it young,

	        Dm7 F6         F
	'Cause someday never comes.

(outro:) C Dm7 F6 F  C  Dm  C  Dm

( A6 = x02222, F6 = x03231 )

Ludwig Alberter (

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