Artist: Charlie Daniels | Song: Sweetwater Texas

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Charlie Daniels, Sweetwater Texas Tabs

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Country Tabs > Daniels Charlie Tabs > Sweetwater Texas

Artist/Band: Daniels Charlie Tabs
Song: Sweetwater Texas Tab

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G            D            C          G
When I was a young man in Sweetwater Texas
G              C            D
Just one thing stayed on my mind
G               D          C       G
To ride a white horse over Durango mountain
          C                G
And leave Sweetwater Texas behind
                    D            C          G 
But I turned twenty one there in Sweetwater Texas
               C            D
Just one thing made me stay there

G           D          C        G
I wanted to leave, but I was in love
Em                C              G
The girl with the chestnut brown hair

C                D       
And there came a time, 
G                     C
when she said shed be mine
Em         C         D
And go any place any time
      G           D        C       G 
So we rode a grey dog over Durango mountain
         C          D       G
And left Sweetwater Texas behind

G D C G    G  D  C  G    G  D  C G 

G                      D                C          G     
It was thundering and lightning when we left Nolan County
G              C                 D
The bus rolled along through the night
G               C            G
And old 36 was a magic black demon 
G                   D            G
leading towards the citys bright lights
G              D          C          G 
we pulled into Houston at ten in the morning
G                 C           D 
our hopes were as high as the sky
G                 D           C           G
but hopes turn to weeks, then years, then forever
        Em        D             G
I never knew how fast time goes by

C                  D
And cowboys sellin cars
G                    C
And country girls in bars
Em      C               D
Somehow just don�t seem fair
      G         D           C          G 
And I wanted to die cause I knew I was loosing 
C                 D              G 
The girl with the chestnut brown hair

G  D  C  G          G D  C  G 

C               D
So many times I said
    G        C
Id rather be dead
C                        D
Than take downs to go to bed
G                   C
And ups to clear my head
But If the good lord sees his way
          G             C
To let me live one more day
Em (HOLD)              D
Im so tired of being alone
      G            D          C       G
Gonna ride a white horse over Durango mountain 
         C          D        G
And make Sweetwater Texas my home.

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.