Artist: Red Foley | Song: Tennessee Saturday Night

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Red Foley, Tennessee Saturday Night Tabs

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Country Tabs > Foley Red Tabs > Tennessee Saturday Night

Artist/Band: Foley Red Tabs
Song: Tennessee Saturday Night Tab

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Recorded by Red Foley
Written by Billy Hughes

[A] Now, listen while I tell you 'bout a place I know
Down in Tennessee where the [A7] tall corn grows
[D] Hidden from the world in a bunch of pines
Where the [A] moon's a little bashful and it seldom shines
[E] Civilized people live there alright
Ah, but they [*A] [P] all go native on Saturday Night. [A]
[A*] = Strum once.

Oh, well the music is a fiddle and a cracked guitar
They get their kicks from an old fruit jar
They do the boogie to an old square dance
The woods are full of couples lookin' for romance
They struggle and they shuffle till broad daylight
Yes, they all go native on Saturday night.

When they really get together there's a lot of fun
They all know the other fellow packs a gun
Ev'rybody does his best to act just right
'Cause there's gonna be funeral if you start a fight
Somebody takes a brogan and knocks out the light
Yes, they all go native on Saturday night.

Well, now you've heard my story 'bout a place I know
Down in Tennessee where the tall corn grows
Hidden from the world in a bunch of pines
Where the moon's a little bashful and it seldom shines
Civilized people live there alright
Ah, but they all go native on Saturday Night.

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2005 - 2012
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  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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