, Mutiny Tabs
Artist/Band: Gill Landry Tabs
Song: Mutiny Tab
C Don't let the dark clouds F concern C you
There E may be no port to return Am to
There's a F vicious moon in a C callous sky to G night
We're C sailing this ship 'til it F crash- C -es
'Til E all of the wine tastes of Am ashes
But F don't worry love, every C thing's gonna be G alright
'Neath the F muddy mire of E Heaven
With a Am burned out G railroad F frown
One ear to the G graveyard
And the Am other G to the F town
F We spent the nights like C pennies
F With all the lost dreams we C gave
F Cradling a sleepless butch C er
With one Am foot G in the F grave
Don't let the dark clouds concern you
There may be no port to return to
There's a vicious moon in a callous sky tonight
We're sailing this ship 'til it crashes
'Til all of the wine tastes of ashes
But don't worry love, everything's gonna be alright
I F saw her down on French E man Street
Crying Am baby don't you G leave me F here
He F stood tall in his G uniform
With his C blue eyes G filled with F tears
Is it F horses to water or C lambs to the slaughter
F When will the cold madness C cease
F Who among you can tell me the C difference
Between the Am butcher G and the F beast?