Artist: Wayne Hancock | Song: Shootin' Star From Texas

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Wayne Hancock, Shootin' Star From Texas Tabs

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Country Tabs > Hancock Wayne Tabs > Shootin' Star From Texas

Artist/Band: Hancock Wayne Tabs
Song: Shootin' Star From Texas Tab

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E       A                  E                                         B7
well i was playing guitar when i was just a lad. that swinging rhythm took a hold on me
E                           A               B7                                    E
when we hit that groove lord i feel like i belong. brother music and myself are family 
E                          A E                                            B7
well i like living on this highway for many years it's been the way i've known
E                                     A                                  B7
but no matter where i been, no matter where i roam, i'm a shootin star from texas

but the interstates my home. 

well lefty and hank williams lord they sure could sing 
and i wore the needle off my phonograph.
well i went looking for them. when i turned eighteen
 and ever since i've worked to hone my craft

well what a life i've got, i've paid to play them clubs
meetin folks and seeing different towns
aint never gonna stop doin what i love
well i'll keep on till they lay me in the ground

well i like living on this highway for many years it's been the way i've known
but no matter where i been, no matter where i roam, i'm a shootin star from texas
but the interstates my home. 

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.