, I'm Just Cryin',cause I Care E Tabs
Artist/Band: Hank Williams, Jr. Tabs
Song: I'm Just Cryin',cause I Care E Tab
"Hank Williams Jr. *recorded*
"Hank williams Sr. *writer*
"I'm Just Cryin', Cause I Care"
"LP" "Songs My Father Left ME"
(C)You were my every dream come true.but you're
(F)love I can't never
(C)share. A heart cant,
(F)smile If it's filled with
(C)tears.Now I'm just
(G)Cryin' cause I
I'm cryin'
(F)Cause your love is
(C)gone.My burden
(F)seems more than I can
(C)bare. I saw my
(F)angel pass me
(C)Now I'm just
(G)cryin' cause I
You're eyes were like the heavans blue,
You're heart I thought so true and fare.
Still you'll always be mine in dreams,
Now I'm just cryin' cause i care.
May all the dreams that you dream come true,
This will be my daily prayer.
May life for you reserve the best,
Now I'm just cryin cause I care.