Artist: Holiday | Song: White Christmas 2

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Holiday, White Christmas 2 Tabs

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Country Tabs > Holiday Tabs > White Christmas 2

Artist/Band: Holiday Tabs
Song: White Christmas 2 Tab

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Subject: CRD: White Christmas
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 1994 18:37:11 GMT
Organization: The University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
Lines: 71

WHITE CHRISTMAS    Time: 4/4    Key: G    Bass: G

INTRO (RARELY SUNG):  4m, 1, 4-57, 1-4, 1

    2m7    57           1
The sun is shining, the grass is green

    57         4    57    16
The orange and palm trees sway

2m7                57     3m7  6m7
There's never been such a day

   2m7      57        16
In Beverley Hills, L. A.

4m6            57         4    57 1maj7  16
.. But it's De-cember the twen-ty-fourth____

6m6         77         6  77 3m   2m7  4  57
.. And I am longing to be up north___


16  2m    1        2m7   4#     5   4             *      57      1    16
I'm dream-ing of a white Christ-mas just like the ones I used to know___

4     57  1    1maj7 17          4        4m6
Where the tree tops  glisten and children listen

   1    4      1     27     2m7  57
To hear sleigh bells in the snow___

1   2m    1        2m7   4#     5   4          *         57     1
I'm dream-ing of a white Christ-mas with every Christmas card I write___

4    57    1      1maj7   17        4     4m
May  your  days   be      merry and bright___

        1   6m   4         57    1    2m7  57
And may all your Christmas-es be white_______


        1   6m   4         57    1     4   1
And may all your Christmas-es be white_______


- Asterisk (*) =  new measure, play same chord
- Period (.)   =  1/8 note rest at start of a measure
- Underline(_) =  sustain note into next measure

CHORDS (Number System):
- The numbers are the notes of the diatonic scale (do-re-me-fa-so-la-ti-do)
- Play a song in any key from the same chart
     Common Keys  1    2    3    4    5    6    7
     Key of C:    C    D    E    F    G    A    B
     Key of D     D    E    F#   G    A    B    C#
     Key of G     G    A    B    C    D    E    F#
     Key of A     A    B    C#   D    E    F#   G#

- Submitted by:  Barrie McCombs (


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