Artist: Alan Jackson | Song: Farewell Party

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Alan Jackson, Farewell Party Tabs

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Country Tabs > Jackson Alan Tabs > Farewell Party

Artist/Band: Jackson Alan Tabs
Song: Farewell Party Tab

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Farewell Party
by Alan Jackson
transcibed By Archie Little

 Play key of  E

Verse 1:
(E)When the last, breath of life
(A)Is gone from, my (E)body
And my lips, are as cold as the (B)sea
When my (E)friends gather 'round
For (A)my, farewell (E)party
(B)Want you, pretend you (E)love me

There will be (A)flowers from those
Who (E)cry, when I'm gone
And leave you in this, world (B)alone
I (E)know you'll have fun
At my, (A)farewell (E)party
I (B)know, you'll be glad, when I'm (E)gone

(E) (A) (E (B (E
Capo in 1th fret play key of  E

Verse 2:
(E)Don't be mad at me, for (A)wanting to keep (E)you
Till my life on this old world is (B)through
(E)You'll be free at the end of (A)my farewell (E)party
But (B)I'll go away loving (E)you

Repeat Chorus:
Oh, I (B)know you'll be glad when I'm (A)go(Am)ne(E)    (B) (E)

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
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