Artist: Alan Jackson | Song: Hey Good Looking

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Alan Jackson, Hey Good Looking Tabs

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Country Tabs > Jackson Alan Tabs > Hey Good Looking

Artist/Band: Jackson Alan Tabs
Song: Hey Good Looking Tab

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Wrote by Hank Williams

INTRO:   Dm7   G7   C    G7

    C         C         C           C
Say hey, good lookin'.  What ya got cookin'?
Dm7                 G7                C      G7
How's about cooking somethin' up with me?
C          C      C               C
Hey, sweet baby.  Don't you think maybe,
Dm               G7            C        C
We can find us a brand new recipe?

        F                   C
I got a hot rod Ford, and a two dollar bill;
    F                   C
And I know a spot right over the hill. F                        C
There's soda pop and the dancing's free
          Dm                    G7
So if you wanna have fun, come along with me.

Hey, good lookin'.  What ya got cookin'?

How's about cooking somethin' up with me?

I'm free and ready, so we can go steady.

How's about saving all your time for me?

No more lookin'.  I know I been cookin'.

How's about keepin' steady company?

I'm gonna throw my date book over the fence,

And buy me one for five or ten cents

I'll keep it 'till it's covered with age

'Cause I'm writin' your name down on every page.

Say hey, good lookin'.  What ya got cookin'?

How's about cooking somethin' up with me?

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.