Artist: Alan Jackson | Song: Its Time You Learned About

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Alan Jackson, Its Time You Learned About Tabs

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Country Tabs > Jackson Alan Tabs > Its Time You Learned About

Artist/Band: Jackson Alan Tabs
Song: Its Time You Learned About Tab

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Here's a song that get's very little recognition, but it's one of my

It's Time You Learned About Goodbye
Performed by: Alan Jackson
From the album " Everything I Love"

(4/4 quick & lively)

G                                              Cm               G
I've been on the wrong side of the front door too often
watched you slam it in my fa-ce
G                                         Cm               G
I may learn the hard way - but I'm not a soft one
                 Cm                 G
Tonight I'm standin' in your place

G                                  Cm        G
'Cause you taught m-e a lot about leavin'
Won't even have to tr-y
G                   Cm                               G
So here's your lesson in heartache and grievin'
And a chance for you to cry
C                D                   G
It's time you learned about goodbye

*Instrumental break*

I've stood behind you, I've laid beside you
But I won't do that anymo-re
Cause I'm tired of bein' just he-re when you want me
Tonight I'm walkin' out that do-or

* chorus *(x2)
It's time you learned about goodby-e
It's time you learned about goobye
(guitar lick)

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.