Artist: | Song: Don't Fence Me In(harp)

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, Don't Fence Me In(harp) Tabs

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Country Tabs > Jimmie Rodgers Tabs > Don't Fence Me In(harp)

Artist/Band: Jimmie Rodgers Tabs
Song: Don't Fence Me In(harp) Tab

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6     7 -8   8     8  -8   8 
Oh, give me land, lots of land 

 8 -8    8  -8   7  -8   8 
un-der star-ry skies a-bove, 

  8    -9    8 -8 
Don't fence me in. 

-7   7  -8     -8    7   -8 -8  7 
Let me ride through the wide o-pen 

 -8   7   -7  7  -8 
coun-try that I love; 

  9     9   -9  8 
Don't fence me in. 

 7  -8  8  8 -8   8 
Let me be by my-self 

 8 -8   8    8   -8  7 
in the eve-ning bre-eze, 

-9   8  -9  8  -9   8 
Lis-ten to the mur-mur 

-9  9  -10  9   -10  9 -9 
of the cot-ton-wood tre-es, 

  8  -8  8  -9   9 -9 
Send me off for-ev-er, 

 9 -10 -10 -10  9  -9 
but I  ask you ple-ase, 

  8     8   -8  7 
Don't fence me in. 

  7    7   7   7 
Just turn me lose, 

-6  -7   7   -7  -6 -7   7  -7 
let me strad-dle my old sad-dle 

-6 -7    7   -8   7   -6    6 
un-der neath the West-ern skies, 

 7  7  7   7 
On my cay-use, 

-6  -7  7  -7 -6 -7   7  -7 
let me wan-der o-ver yon-der 

 -6 -7  7  -8    7    -6    6 
till I see the moun-tains rise, 

6   7  -8   8   8 -8    8 
I want to ride to the ridge 

  8   -8    8   8   -8  7 
Where the West com-menc-es, 

 -9  -9  8   -9    
Gaze at the moon 

 -9  9  -10 -10   9  -9 
till I lose  my sens-es, 

  8     8  -9  9   -9 
Can't look at hob-bles, 

 9 -10 -10    -10    9  -9 
and  I can't stand fenc-es, 

  8     8   -8  7 
Don't fence me in.

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