Artist: George Jones | Song: A Thousand Time A Day

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George Jones, A Thousand Time A Day Tabs

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Artist/Band: Jones George Tabs
Song: A Thousand Time A Day Tab

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Subject: Song Submission

     A Thousand Times a Day
     Recorded by:  George Jones
     Taken off the best of George Jones CD.
     Submitted by George Richardson

     I play this song with a fret bar across the second fret to bring the
     song into my voice range.

     (G) I gave up cigarettes, haven't had to light one yet.
     (C) It's been a year sense (G) I stopped.
     (G) Same goes for alcohol.  I don't touch the stuff at all.
     (C) I used to drink till I (G) dropped.

     CHORUS:  (C) But those were tough this (G) is easy, (C) and it feels
     so good to (G) say. (C) Forgetting you is not that (G) hard to (C) do
     for (G) I've done it a thousand times a day.  Oh I've done it a
     (D7) thousand times a (G) day.

     (G) Friends said it would take some time to get you off my mind.
     (C) Some said I'd never let you (G) go.  But, I guess I've proved
     them wrong. One more bad habit gone. (C) Just like the whisky and the
     (G) smokes.  (C) But those were tough this is (G) easy, (C) and I'm
     all right I'm (G) ok.  (C) Forgetting  (TO CHORUS:)

     (G) I've given you up for good, just like I said I would.  (C) Oh the
     night you walked (G) away.  (C) But that was tough this (G) is easy,
     (TO CHORUS:)

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2005 - 2012
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