Artist: Josh Abbott Band | Song: Road Trippin'

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Josh Abbott Band, Road Trippin' Tabs

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Country Tabs > Josh Abbott Band Tabs > Road Trippin'

Artist/Band: Josh Abbott Band Tabs
Song: Road Trippin' Tab

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Road Trippin'
By Josh Abbott Band

D  D  D  G  A  three times

Koozie�s in the console and beer�s on the floor
    G    A      G       A        D      D  D  D  G  A
And everybody�s gassing up their Fords
I got good tunes blaring, sing-along-songs
    G           A       G   A    D 
And everybody�s glad to get long gone

Well it�s Friday night and we�re getting out of town
We don�t care when the sun goes down
Making memories with my friends
     D                 A    G   D
Just road trippin on a long weekend

Gamble in Shreveport, ski Colorado,
Or we can do both in New Mexico
A country concert or a football game
Everytime�s different but it�s the same


     G                           C  G 
Take pictures next to city limit signs
Stayin up late with Boones Farm Wine
G                             C G 
Gonna have a dozen stories to tell
D                           A
Damn glad we got out of our hometown jail



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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.