Artist: Josh Abbott Band | Song: She's Like Texas

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Josh Abbott Band, She's Like Texas Tabs

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Country Tabs > Josh Abbott Band Tabs > She's Like Texas

Artist/Band: Josh Abbott Band Tabs
Song: She's Like Texas Tab

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  D                A      G
|-----------------------------------------| x2

D D Bm A G G x2

D                                   A
She's as free as bluebonnets in the summer
Bm                               G
She's as hot as the Padre Island sun
D                                   A
Most of the time, she's as warm and friendly
         Bm             A       G
Like the hills that surround Austin

She's as bright as the Dallas sky
She always holds her head up high
     Bm             A             G
She loves the company of her family
She has faith in God's greater plan
She trusts I'm a good man
    Bm              A            G
And that's why I'll always believe
G               A
She's like Texas
And she likes me

D D Bm A G G

D                                         A      
Her eyes are green like the trees in Nacadoches
Bm                     A             G
Her teeth are white as cotton in the fall
D                                       A
And when she laughs, you'll always take notice
Bm                 A                      G
'Cause her heart's charm will shine right through it all


Bm            A               G               A
Her moods can change like the weather out in Lubbock
Bm         A             G             A
But if you show her love, man she'll return it

G                   A
Oh, she's like Texas
                 (Pick INTRO, end with a D strum)
And she likes me

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.