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Judds, When Love Starts Talkin Tabs

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Country Tabs > Judds Tabs > When Love Starts Talkin

Artist/Band: Judds Tabs
Song: When Love Starts Talkin Tab

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Written by: Jamie O'Hara, Brent Maher & Gary Nicholson
Transcribed by:
On Wy's album "the other side" 1997
Capo on 2nd fret
E B7 E
I thought I'd have my life worked out 
I thought I knew what it was all about
     B7				E   			E
Then love started talkin', Your love started talkin'
I had my mind on the open road, I thought I knew where I wanted to go
      B7			E
Then love started talkin', Your love started talkin'
When love starts talkin' you got no choice 
       E			   E
But to shut up and listen, it's a powerful voice
A 				     B7
Open the door let it walk in, that's what you got to do when love starts
talkin'   {E}
I thought I had it wrapped up neat and nice, I didn't need nobody's advice
     B7 			E
Then love started talkin', your love started talkin'
---Guitar break--- E B7 E
**Repeat Chorus**
I thought I'd heard it all before, I thought I didn't need to hear no more
     B7                         E
Then love started talkin', your love started talkin'
     B7				E	
Your love started talkin', your love started talkin'
     B7			               E
Your love started talkin' Love started talkin'
When love starts talkin' you got no choice 
But to shut up and listen, it's a powerful voice <-- Repeat 2x's

Ending --> E B7 E

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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