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, I've Enjoyed All Of This I Can Stand Tabs

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Artist/Band: Lake Fork Verne Tabs
Song: I've Enjoyed All Of This I Can Stand Tab

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I've Enjoyed About All of This I Can Stand(I borrowed title from an 
old Porter Wagoner Song...v.g.)
Copyright by:  Verne Garrison, January 24, 2010
Banjo Tuned to E, Capo 1, Key of E

Enjoyed About All of This I Can Stand

It is known as The Bill of Rights, Mr. President
Ratified on December 12, 1791
 A7                                            E
Introduced and proposed by Madison and Jeffer-son
           B7                                             E
Stops the federal government from coming down on us like a ton

You complain that the Constitution and Bill of  Rights
Put restraint on what you want to do
Our Founders had guys like you in their sights
And it is time you learned this fact too

So far you have nationalized our banks,
And destroyed the auto and housing industry
Unemployment is busting 10% and going higher
Yet you want to fine us if we don't buy your Federal Misery

You say your health plan will cover all
Without costing us a dime
With no positive results showing from your stimulus
We'd be fools to believe you another time

Your credentials are blatantly lacking
And you have never run or done a   thing
Why should we expect that you know what you are doing
Look out, cause the Fat Lady is Just About to Sing.


And I have enjoyed about all of this I can stand.

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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