Artist: Montgomery Gentry | Song: You Do Your Thing

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Montgomery Gentry, You Do Your Thing Tabs

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Country Tabs > Montgomery Gentry Tabs > You Do Your Thing

Artist/Band: Montgomery Gentry Tabs
Song: You Do Your Thing Tab

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You Do Your Thing - Montgomery Gentry

Intro: D9  G/Bb  G/C
      D9  G/B  G/Bb  G/C (x2)

D9           G/B    G/Bb                G/C
Put me on a mountain,   way back in the back woods
D9          G/B         G/Bb           G/C
Put me on a lake with a big'un on the line
D9               G/B      G/Bb             G/C
Put me round the campfire cookin' somethin' I just cleaned
Bb      C                  D9
You do your thing I'll do mine

D9             G/B                  G/Bb                G/C
I ain't tradin in my family's safety, just to save on a little gas
D9               G/B     G/Bb       G/C
And I'll pray to God any place any time
D9                       G/B          G/Bb                 G/C
And you can bet I'll pick up the phone if Uncle Sam calls me up
Bb      C                  D9
You do your thing I'll do mine

   C9    G          D
Hey I'll worry about me
C9        G           D
You just worry about you
   C9           G         D
And I'll believe what I believe
   G/C                  G/B         A
And you can believe what you believe too

D9            G/B          G/Bb                      G/C
I ain't gonna spare the rod cause that ain't what my daddy did
D9                  G/B                G/Bb            G/C
And I sure know the difference between wrong and right
D9                           G/B           G/Bb           G/C
You know to me its all just common sense a broken rope a consequence
Bb      C                  D9
You do your thing I'll do mine


D9                 G/B       G/Bb                   G/C
I'm gonna keep on workin hard make my money the old fashioned way
D9                G/B           G/Bb     G/C
I don't want a piece of nobody elses pie
D9                   G/B      G/Bb                    G/C
If I don't get my fill on life I ain't gonna blame no one but me
Bb      C                  D9
You do your thing I'll do mine

D9             G/B
You aint gonna be my judge
        G/Bb                        G/C
Cause my judge will judge us all one day
Bb      C                  D9
You do your thing I'll do mine

A   =   x02220
Bb  =   x13331(bar chord) or xx3331
C   =   x32010
C9  =   x3203x or x32030
D   =   xx0232
D9  =   xx0230
G   =   320003
G/B =   x2003x
G/Bb=   x1003x
G/C =   x3003x

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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