Artist: Van Morrison | Song: Precious Time

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Van Morrison, Precious Time Tabs

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Country Tabs > Morrison Van Tabs > Precious Time

Artist/Band: Morrison Van Tabs
Song: Precious Time Tab

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Precious Time - Van Morison

G			C
Precious time is slipping away
G                  D
But you're only king for a day
G	             C
It doesn't matter to which God you pray
G                  D      G
Precious time is slipping away

It doesn't matter what route you take
Sooner or later the hearts going to break
No rhyme or reason, no master plan
No Nirvana, no promised land

Because, precious time is slipping away
Yuu know you're only king for a day
It doesn't matter to which God you pray
Precious time is slipping away

Say que sera, whatever will be
But then I keep on searching for immortality
She's so beautiful but she's going to die some day
Everything in life just passes away

But, precious time is slipping away
You know she's only queen for a day
It doesn't matter to which God you pray
Precious time is slipping away

Well this world is cruel with its twists and turns
Well the fire's still in me and the passion burns
I love a medley 'til the day I die
'Til hell freezes over and the rivers run dry

Precious time is slipping away
You know she's only queen for a day
It doesn't matter to which God you pray because
Precious time is slipping away

Precious time is slipping away
You know you're only king for a day
It doesn't matter to which God you pray
Precious time is slipping away

Precious time is slipping away
You know you're only king for a day
It doesn't matter to which God you pray because
Precious time is slipping away

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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