Artist: Anne Murray | Song: Put Your Hand In The Hand

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Anne Murray, Put Your Hand In The Hand Tabs

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Country Tabs > Murray Anne Tabs > Put Your Hand In The Hand

Artist/Band: Murray Anne Tabs
Song: Put Your Hand In The Hand Tab

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Put Your Hand in the Hand
Anne Murray
charted by Bo Frazer 
Notes: Capo wherever; Anne does it in Bb (3rd fret)
but she's got a pretty low range

         G                                           D7 
Put your hand in the hand of the man who stilled the water;
         Am                      D                  G
Put your hand in the hand of the man who calmed the sea.
       Dm                   G               C               c#dim   
Take a look at yourself and you can look at others differently,
                G           E7          A7       D7  G  (C  G  D)
By putting your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee.

Verse 1:
Every Time I look into the holy book I wanna tremble
When I read about the part where the carpenter cleared the temple
For the buyers and the sellers were no different fellers than what I profess to be,
And it causes me shame to know I'm not the gal that I should be.


Verse 2:
Momma taught me how to pray before I reached the age of seven,
When I'm down on my knees, that's when I'm close to heaven.
Daddy lived his life with two kids and a wife; you do what you must do
But he showed me enough of what it takes to get you through.


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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
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