Artist: Johnny Paycheck | Song: Old Violin

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Johnny Paycheck, Old Violin Tabs

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Country Tabs > Paycheck Johnny Tabs > Old Violin

Artist/Band: Paycheck Johnny Tabs
Song: Old Violin Tab

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               Db  F#              Db 
Well I can't recall one time in my life, 
Db                 Ab         Db 
I've felt as lonely as I do tonight. 
I feel like I could lay down, 
F#            Db 
And get up no more. 
Its the damnedest feelin',  
Ab                Db 
I never felt it before. 
          Db  F#              Db 
Tonight I feel like an old violin. 
                   Ab                 Db 
Soon to be put away and never played again. 
Don't ask me why I feel like this,  
F#            Db 
Hell, I can't say. 
  F#             Db     Ab              Db 
I only wish this feeling would just go away. 
                       F#                                Db 
I guess its 'cause the truth is the hardest thing I ever faced, 
                 F#         Db           Ab 
'Cause you can't change the truth in the slightest way. 
F#m11        Db 
I tried.... 
So I asked myself...I said John, 
F#                   Db    F#   
Where do you go from here? 
Db                              Ab                      Db     F# 
Then like a damn fool I turned around and looked in the mirror, 
Db             F#         Db 
And there I saw an old violin. 
F#         Db       Ab                 Db   F# 
Soon to be put away, and never played again. 
So one more time, just to be sure, 
F#          Db                                     F# 
I said John, where in the hell do you go from here? 
Db                                            Ab 
And you know there wasn't a nickel's worth of difference, 
When I looked in the mirror. 
F#           Db 
Thats when I knew. 
                       F#         C 
That there I was seein' an old violin. 
F#         C       Ab                 Db   F# 
Soon to be put away and never played again. 
And just like that it hit me,  
'Cause that old violin and I were just alike. 
We'd give our all to music, 
    Ab                   Db       Ab  Db 
And soon, we'll give our lives....

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