Artist: John Prine | Song: Aimless Love

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John Prine, Aimless Love Tabs

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Country Tabs > Prine John Tabs > Aimless Love

Artist/Band: Prine John Tabs
Song: Aimless Love Tab

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John Prine ..........Aimless Love

(A)He's just a small fry. A bit too g(D)un shy.
To have his (A)heart touched without a (E)glove
He looks at (A)strangers as potential da(D)ngers
Trying to S(A)teal his (E)aimless l(A)ove.

Love has (D)no mind. It can't spell un(A)kind.
It's never seen a heart shaped like a Valent(E)ine
For if love (A)knew him. It'd walk up (D)to him
And introd(A)uce him to an a(E)imless l(A)ove

(A)I been out walking. Kinda pillow ta(D)lking
To anyo(A)ne that has the time for (E)me
For there are s(A)ome folks they think that l(D)ove chokes.
It ties and (A)keeps them (E)from being f(A)ree

Love has (D)no mind. It can't spell un(A)kind
It's never seen a heart shaped like a Valent(E)ine
For if love (A)knew you. It'd walk up (D)to you
And introd(A)uce you to an a(E)imless l(A)ove

Instrumental:(A) (D), (A) (E)

Do you look at (A)strangers as potential d(D)angers
Trying to (A)steal your a(E)imless l(A)ove.

Love has (D)no mind. It can't spell un(A)kind
It's never seen a heart shaped like a Valent(E)ine
For if love (A)knew you. It'd walk up (D)to you
And introd(A)uce you to an a(E)imless l(A)ove
And introd(A)uce you to an a(E)imless l(A)ove (E) (A) 


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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
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