Artist: Randy Rogers Band | Song: Damn The Rain

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Randy Rogers Band, Damn The Rain Tabs

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Country Tabs > Randy Rogers Band Tabs > Damn The Rain

Artist/Band: Randy Rogers Band Tabs
Song: Damn The Rain Tab

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Verse 1
G 	  	  	  	    Cadd9
She loved the rain more than just about anything at all
G 	  	  	  	 Cadd9
The way it washed her clean, the way it cooled everything off
G 	  	  	  	  	  	  Cadd9
She used to run around in it like a wild child, getting� soaked to her bare feet
G 	  	  	 Cadd9
It came down in buckets the summer that she left me
         Em Cadd9    G      	     D              Em Cadd9  G 	 D
Damn the rain, for makin� me remember all the pain of losing everything
Am 	  	  	 Am/C 	  	  	  	 C
I still miss her touch, still love her too much to ever curse her name 
 	  	 Em Cadd9 G D
So I damn the rain

Verse 2
G 	  	  	  	  	  	 Cadd9
I used to watch it splash off the windowpane from her side of the bed
G 	  	  	  	   Cadd9
Morning�s just like this one when the leaves were gold and red
It was hidin� the tears runnin� down her cheeks 
when I heard the last words she said
I shoulda taken the blame, I shoulda begged her to stay 
but my pride won out instead

Repeat Chorus

Damn the rain
Am 	  	  	  	 Am/C 	  	         C
The storms roll through, the memories too she�s gone just the same

Repeat Chorus

           Em Cadd9 G D
Damn the rain
 	   Em Cadd9 G D
Damn the rain 
           Em Cadd9 G D
Damn the rain

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.