Artist: Johnny Reid | Song: Sixty To Zero

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Johnny Reid, Sixty To Zero Tabs

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Country Tabs > Reid Johnny Tabs > Sixty To Zero

Artist/Band: Reid Johnny Tabs
Song: Sixty To Zero Tab

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(F) Am - F - Am - F

 C                    G
She had blue eyes, the color
Am            F
Of Amarillo skies in summer
And when we'd fly
     C                     G
Her hair would wrap around me

 C                   G
The smell of leather and gasoline
Am                      F
A little danger sitting next to me

And when I was with her
C                      G
Man, I'd never felt so alive

         C          G
Sky was red, I was green
          Am          F
Road was black, seventeen
         C            G
She was fast, I was slow
        Am            F
She was all I could hold
        C            G
Summer flew, she was gone
        Am           F
Little did I know my heart could go
From sixty to zero

(F) Am - F

We'd sit in my car night after night
Watchin' the stars as they flew by
We'd go 'round the world at the speed of light
And never turn the key

Still I wonder where she might be
And if she ever stops and thinks about me
'Cause God knows
I sure think about her


NC              C - G - Am - F
From sixty to zero
          C - G - Am   
Sixty to zero

C C/B Am                     G               F
     We loved and laughed enough to last a lifetime
Am                   G                  F
But at least for a little while she was mine 


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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.