Artist: Lionel Richie | Song: To Love A Woman

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Lionel Richie, To Love A Woman Tabs

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Artist/Band: Richie Lionel Tabs
Song: To Love A Woman Tab

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Lionel Richie feat. Enrique Iglesias.

[Em]I don't know what it is but she drives me [Am]crazy
[D]I don't know what she does but she drives me [G]wild
[Em]If only she could let me be [Am]the man I wanna be
[Am]Well she can [C]leave me helpless as a [D]child

[Em]I don't know how it is but she has the [Am]power
[D]She can make me laugh when I wanna [G]cry (oh yeah)
[Em]She tells me that I'm in control but I [Am]know it's just a lie

[Am]And [D]I don't [C]mind [D]oh
[Em]Will she love you to[Am]morrow like[D] she loves you to[G]day
She can [Em]keep your heart gue[Am]ssing but she's [D]yours if she [G]stays
And [Em]that's what it fe[Am]els like[D]
[NC]To love A wo[G]man[C][Am][D]
[D]To love a wo[G]man

[Em]When you're looking in her eyes you can see fo[Am]rever (forever)
[D]You're captured by the beauty of her s[G]oul (oh yeah)

[Em]You know you're never gonna find a [Am]woman like this again

[Am]So don't [D]let [C]go [D]oh (don't let go)
[Em]Will she love you to[Am]morrow like[D] she loves you to[G]day
She can [Em]keep your heart gue[Am]ssing but she's [D]yours if she [G]stays
And [Em]that's what it fe[Am]els like[D]
[NC]To love A wo[G]man[C][Am][D]
[D]To love a wo[G]man

[Am]Oh she can [D]make your day
[G]Oh she can [Em]take it away (take it all way)
[Am]And oh whether it's [D]wrong or right
[C]You know it in the [Am]end you'd do it all ag[D]ain
[NC]To love A wo[G]man[C][Am][D]
[D]Just to love a wo[G]man (uh huh)

[D]Oh you know (yes I know, yes I know)
[Em]She loves you to[Am]morrow like[D] she loves you to[G]day (well she love you)
She can [Em]keep your heart gue[Am]ssing but she's [D]yours if she [G]stays
(she's yours if she stays)
And [Em]that's what it fe[Am]els like[D] (I'm gonna say it)
And [Em]that's what it fe[Am]els like[D] (what it feels like oh)
And [Em]that's what it fe[Am]els like[D]
[NC]To love A wo[G]man[C][Am][D]
To love a wo[G]man[C][Am][D] (mm hmm)
Yes to love a wo[G]man

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