Brown Sawyer, The Cafe On The Corner Tabs
Artist/Band: Sawyer Brown Tabs
Song: The Cafe On The Corner Tab
Sawyer Brown
At the (FaddG) cafe (C/E) down on the (G/D) corner (C)
With a (FaddG) lost look (C) on his (G) face
There ain't no (F) fields to (C/E) plow
No (G) reason to (Am) now
He's (F) just a little (G) out of (C) place
And they say (G) crime don't pay
But, (F) neither does (G) farmin' these (C) days
And the (G) coffee is (C) cold
And he's (G) fifty years (C) old
And, he's (FaddG) gotta learn to (G) live another (C) way
At the (FaddG) cafe (C/E) down on the (G/D) corner (C)
With a (FaddG) lost look (C) on his (G) face
There ain't no (F) fields to (C/E) plow
He's (G) bussin' tables (Am) now
He's (F) just a little (G) out of (C) place
And the (G) meek shall in(G/F)herit the (G/E) earth
And the (G/C) bank shall re(G/B)poss(C)es it
This (G) job don't pay (G/F) half what it's (G/D) worth
But, it's a (G/C) thankful (G/B) man that (C) gets it
At the (FaddG) cafe (C/E) down on the (G/D) corner (C)
With a (FaddG) lost look (C) on his (G) face
There ain't no (F) fields to (C/E) plow
He's (G) wishin' for one (Am) now
He's (F) just a little (G) out of (C) place
All these (G) soldiers without wars
And (F) hometown (G) boys without a (C) home
(G) Farmers without (C) fields
(G) Dealers without (C) deals
And they (FaddG) sit here drinkin' (G) coffee all a(C)lone
At the (FaddG) cafe (C/E) down on the (G/D) corner (C)
With a (FaddG) lost look (C) on his (G) face
There ain't no (F) fields to (C/E) plow
He's (G) wishin' for one (Am) now
They're (F) just a little (G) out of (C) place
G 320003
C x32010
G/D xx0433
G/E xx2433
G/B x2003x
G/C x3x433
G/F 1x0003
FaddG xx3213
Am x02210
C/E xx3010