Artist: South Sixty Five | Song: No Easy Goodbye

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South Sixty Five, No Easy Goodbye Tabs

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Artist/Band: South Sixty Five Tabs
Song: No Easy Goodbye Tab

SONG: No Easy Goodbye
Artist: South Sixty Five
Songwriter: Jerry Holland
Album: South Sixty Five

Capo 1 Key C#

No Easy Goodbye

[F#]She said weve got to [C#]talk 
[F#] And I knew it was [C#]bad
[F#] Cuz the look in her [C#]eyes
Is worried and [G#] sad
[F#] Then she called me [C#]angel
[F#] And I felt like a [C#]clown
[F#] As she stared out the [C#] window
And said you better sit down [Dbm-G#]

Cuz This is gonna [C#]hurt
This is gonna [Fm]ache
this is really [F#]gonna cause your heart to [C#]break
Ive gotta tell you [F#] something that'll make you cry [Dbm-G#]
Oh I cant put into [C#]words
The things I want to [Fm]say
Im tryin  to let you [F#]down in a gentle [C#]way
But theres just [Fm]no [Bbm]easy  Good[G#]bye[C#]

[F#]I thought I was [C#]dreaming
[F#]I didnt know where to [C#]start
[F#]I just wanted to [C#]hold her
And show her all my [G#]heart
[F#]So I told her I [C#]loved her
(She said) [F#]I love you [C#]too
[F#]Then she quietly [C#]whispered 
Theres someone [G#]new (chorus)

[Fm]Its so hard to let go
Of the [Bbm]one that you know
Loves you [F#]better 
Then all of the [C#]rest
But she stood[Fm] there by the door
As she [Bbm]turned to me once more
Sayin [F#]mabye this is all for the [G#]best
(chorus)(2 times)

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
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