Artist: Randy Travis | Song: Promises

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Randy Travis, Promises Tabs

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Country Tabs > Travis Randy Tabs > Promises

Artist/Band: Travis Randy Tabs
Song: Promises Tab

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By Randy Travis
Cheap perfume and painted faces, __ 

fallen angles fill the places 
             A                                             E
Where I go when my troubles pull me down

All the lies I know they'll tell me, __ 

and the time that they will sell me 
         F#m7                                       B 
For a while I'll be the biggest man in town
Back at home in bed she's crying, __ 

for her love for me is dying
        A                                                     E   
But she'll pry I make it safely through the night
When the mornin' sun starts showing, ___
to her bedside I'll be going
                  E                     B7                      E  
And she'll hold me while I face the morning light _____
* And I'll make promises ___ 

promises to change 
I'll make her promises swear I'll rearrange 
And I'll start giving all the love she needs 
          B7                     A  B
if only she will stay____
Once again she'll reasure me and 

I believe her love will cure me
              A                                      E
And I'll fall asleep with tears on my face

Lord I know she's just a woman 

and her love can't last forever
And someday soon I know she'll 
B                      B7
leave without a trace
For broken' promises ___ 

will tear her dreams apart
Just token promises will someday break her heart
And for the last time she'll hold me when I cry 
and while I'm sleeping
           A      B  A/B           C                      D/C        E
She'll quiet--ly say  �goodbye� __________

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.