Artist: Frank Turner | Song: Front Crawl

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Frank Turner, Front Crawl Tabs

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Country Tabs > Turner Frank Tabs > Front Crawl

Artist/Band: Turner Frank Tabs
Song: Front Crawl Tab

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DADGAD tuning


D   000200
G   020020
A11 000042
Bm  xx4454

Intro: D alternating bottom string D and top 3 strings of the chord, listen to 
the song to know what I mean!
Carries on throughout the song apart from with the Bm.

If I was to walk from where I am

To where you are right now
    G                                    D
I'd have to cross eight borders and three seas
    A11                 G                 D
But that might show you what you meant to me

If I was to make this journey long

I'd have to learn to swim
     G                          D             
Much better than my doggy paddle is
    A11              G               D
But then you might believe me when I say

    Bm                  G
The time will come when you and I
    D           A11
Are not so far away
      D                G                D
And I won't be singing this song on that day

I will set out for your island home

When my front crawl's up to scratch
    G                           D
And when I've written my arrival song
    A11           G
I'm working on it now
It's almost done

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.