Artist: England Ty | Song: All of the Above

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England Ty, All of the Above Tabs

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Country Tabs > Ty England Tabs > All of the Above

Artist/Band: Ty England Tabs
Song: All of the Above Tab

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F            C            Bb
I made you a list you can choose from

F         C             F             Fsus4
To let me know what you want from me

F               C               Bb
All you have to do is to choose one

C                   Bb
It's as simple as ABC

                   F        Bb
CHORUS: I could be:A)Lover, B)True

                   F         Bb
                   C)No one else but you

                       F                Bb       C
                   And if those choices aren't enough

                   F        Bb     F           Bb
        I could be:D)evoted E)ternally to your love

                          F     C          Bb
                   Or how about all of the above.

F  C  Bb C Bb

F              C                 Bb
Any choice you make is the right one

       F              Bb      F         Fsus4
But if indecision has got you stressed

F               C               Bb
I think I would go for the last one

C                           Bb
'Cause that one covers your bases best


SOLO (F Bb F F F C Bb Bb)

This is the one time

No matter how you choose

F                     C
Now darling you can't lose


           Bb       F
All of the above...

Chords: F     133211 or xx3211
        C     x32010
        Bb    688766 or x1333x
        Fsus4 xx3311 

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.