Artist: Jerry Jeff Walker | Song: Redneck Mother

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Jerry Jeff Walker, Redneck Mother Tabs

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Country Tabs > Walker Jerry Jeff Tabs > Redneck Mother

Artist/Band: Walker Jerry Jeff Tabs
Song: Redneck Mother Tab

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 (as performed by Jerry Jeff Walker)

       G               C          
He was born in Oklahoma,
    D                              G
His wife's name's Betty Lou Thelma Liz

G                                      C
And he's not responsible for what he's doing

           D                       G
'Cause his mother made him what he is.

G                           C           
Up against the wall Redneck Mother,

D                                 G
Mother, who has raised her son so well.

G                                   C                
He's thirty-four and drinking in a honky tonk.

     D                                 G
Just kicking hippies asses and raising hell.

Sure does like his Falstaff beer,
Likes to chase it down with that Wild Turkey liquor;
Drives a fifty-seven GMC pickup truck;
He's got a gun rack; "Goat ropers need love, too" sticker


M is for the mudflaps you give me for my pickup truck
O is for the Oil I put on my hair
T is for T-bird
H is for Haggard
E is for eggs, and
R is for REDNECK.


[Thanks to Gary B. for corrections]

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2005 - 2012
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