Artist: Gene Watson | Song: Down Here On My Knees

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Gene Watson, Down Here On My Knees Tabs

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Artist/Band: Watson Gene Tabs
Song: Down Here On My Knees Tab

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Down Here On My Knees

C              G7               C
I realize that I'm not standing tall
       F                                C
You've seen me when I couldn't stand at all
                       F                  G7
I must look so natural when I'm not on my feet
      C               G7           C
But I wish you'd look down here at me
F                        C
I'm not playing marbles  I'm not shooting dice
   F                                C
No I'm not down here looking for my keys
F                      C              F
I'm down here praying  that you'll be staying
C              G7              C
That's why I'm down here on my knees
                G7                 C
You might think I look just like a fool
       F                       C
That's because I'm crazy over you
                               F                G7
I might lose my mind if you go walking out that door
      C                        G7          C
But I wish you'd stop and look down at the floor
repeat #2

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.